Life can be hard when you are living with an autoimmune disease, especially if that autoimmune disease begins to mess with the health of the skin on your feet. When the skin on our feet starts to suffer, it can affect us greatly as it rubs and moves, causing a constant irritation. One type of autoimmune disease that can affect the skin of the feet is known as psoriasis.
Psoriasis causes skin lesions that range from mild patches and scaling to extreme and extensive red, scaling plaques on the toenails. This condition can cause a nail to become deeply pitted, discolored, have white patches or cause the nail to flake. In some more severe cases, a toenail can be completely lost and removed from its nail bed because of the autoimmune disease.
Sometimes it can be hard to be sure that psoriasis is the true cause of your toenail condition. This is because psoriasis can also appear as if it is chronic infection inflammation of the nail bed. It can also appear as a fungal infection that just won’t quite go away.
Psoriasis of the toenail can be treated. Many podiatrists will prescribe a course of antibiotics to help combat psoriasis along with a topical ointment. There is currently a lot of research being conducted on patients with psoriasis who have issues with their nails. Specifically, biologic therapies are being investigated to better treat this condition due to its unique nature and symptoms.
If you have any symptoms of psoriasis, it is important to see a podiatrist immediately. If psoriasis is caught early, it can be easier to manage. Call Dr. Alan J. Discont and Dr. Krahn of Family Foot & Ankle Care, PC located in Chandler, Arizona. The number is 480-732-0033 or make an appointment online today. Psoriasis can be a very painful disorder. Not only can it be treated and controlled with the help of a trained podiatrist, but the rash can clear up and you can feel comfortable in your feet again.