Is your ingrown nail a real nuisance or is it just too painful to handle anymore? Dr. Alan Discont, Dr. Gregory Krahn, and Dr. Boyd Andrews of Family Foot & Ankle Care in Chandler, AZ, can help you!
Ingrown toenails are when your toenails perforate skin in the corners or sides of your feet. They may be hard, swollen, and tender in the beginning, eventually causing an infection if not taken care of immediately.
Your toes may also become:
- Sore
- Infected
- Skin may start growing over the ingrown toenail
- Red
There are several things that may lead to ingrown toenails, such as:
- Not trimming toenails properly, like too short, especially big toes
- Wearing shoes that are too tight, or short, resulting in crowded toes
- Repeated trauma or injury to your feet
- Foot illnesses, or diseases, like fungal infections.
- Ingrown nails may be simply heredity, or due to poor foot structure.
Treating ingrown toenails can be a simple fix. Try wearing shoes that give your toes more space to move and try to avoid socks. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if there is an infection, but soaking the foot in warm and soapy water several times a day and keeping your feet clean may resolve the issue.
Surgery may be necessary though. If your ingrown toenail is suffering from an acute infection, the surgical removal of part of the ingrown toenail may be needed.
If you are suffering from an ingrown toenail, make sure to contact one of your foot doctors, Drs. Alan Discont, Gregory Krahm and Boyd Andrews of Family Foot & Ankle Care in Chandler, AZ. Call the office at (480) 732-0033.